« Acoustic Tone Studio gives us the pleasure and opportunity to track, mix, record and work side by side with musical artists.
Nevertheless, it also gives us great joy to listen to music performed or written by friends and musical colleagues.
We want to share with you some images and links of our friends performing different music styles.
Some of these musicians or singers are professional or almost, some others are just simply passionate about what they do.
All these talented individuals have something in common : beside their passion for music, they all are wonderful people in every day life… »
Click on images for details

A more than talented Mezzo Soprano

Monsieur Gontrand is a French author, composer and singer caraterized by both his famous hats but most of all by his lyrics and melodies that brings you into another universe. When he sings and play, he immediately succeed to reach your soul and brings you in your dreams..In addition, a very nice guy...

Beside his numerous musical talents, Giovanni is also a known Producer and experienced Sound Engineer...His ears are "Gold" as his friendship..

Working on "Virtuosity Arias" at Acoustic Tone Studio

A talented musician and friend who played with us at the performance "Mon Ami Prevert"

"Mon ami Prevert"

Olga is a Jazz singer with a so sweet voice, she kindly accept to contribute to launch the project "Notes di Sauvignon". I wish I could sing more often with her.. Actually, she 's member of a talented Choir "Clam Chowder" In Milano

A show in the wineyards under shining stars and candles ...what for a nice souvenir... From left, Jean-Denis Tourneur, Olga Izzo and my humble person with beatiful red shoes ..

Recognized as a highly talented Jazz guitar player together as a Master in "Harmony", he has played with worldwide known artists. Nevrtheless, he succeeded to keep intact his emotions and his huge open heart. Beside this, I consider him as my best friend...

Derrière l'immense talent d'ingénieur du son et de Mastering, se trouve un homme simple, généreux, conscient des choses de la vie et des valeurs humaines...je suis fier d'être son ami

Due musicisti eccezionali, teneri, sensibili e generosi...adoro ascoltarli suonare..

Unfortunately, no link available yet..

La mia moglie che fa che la mia vita è una melodia tutti i giorni...Grazie

So nice and talented musicians and singers..Always a pleasure to listen to their repertoire of the 70th